Proudly Part Of The Community Of Sydney Catholic Schools

Why choose us?

At Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School Clifton Gardens we are a close, caring community. Every child’s needs are known and their passions are nurtured: the academic, the emotional, the physical and the spiritual.

Successful learning outcomes are a result of our tailored approach and rich history of providing high quality Catholic education. We ensure the enrichment of every student by working in strong partnership with families and fostering a sense of responsibility for self and others. In this manner, we always remain true to our motto, ‘Learn, Love, Live’.

Executive Principal’s Message

Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School Clifton Gardens, where we strive to promote excellence in education and develop a lifelong love of learning. We do this by providing high-quality teaching and offering our students supportive and challenging opportunities that enrich their learning.

All of our teachers have been trained in Gifted Education and we are a Newman Selective Gifted Education Program school. This is a program within the Catholic school system to cater to the particular learning, social and emotional needs of gifted students. In addition, we offer specialist programs for gifted and talented children as well as programs to support children with other special needs.

We understand the importance of enabling children to experience success and grow in confidence and independence. Our students enjoy a strong sense of warmth and belonging in our school. It’s a nurturing environment in which every child is well-known and supported. We respect the dignity and value of each of our students and their families and we are committed to building an effective working partnership between home and school. We are all a part of the Blessed Sacrament community and work together, for the benefit of the children.

To this end, our school offers a very comfortable and beautiful physical environment for the children. We aim to maintain a high-quality Catholic education that is relevant to the challenges of our times and provide a future filled with hope for our children.

We warmly invite you to contact us, if you would like to inquire further.

Ms Leanne Meehan
Executive Principal

Our History
Blessed Sacrament was established in 1950 when the Lochinvar Sisters of St Joseph accepted the invitation of the parish priest, Fr Pierse, to staff the school. Fr Pierse had purchased a large old home in Queen Street to serve as a convent. The school opened with a room inside the convent and grew by one additional class each year.

The school quickly became the focal point of the parish, with the parents very active in its support. The dedicated teaching of the Sisters continued and the school remained under their direction up until 1983 when Mrs Kathy Campbell became the first lay principal with a mainly lay staff.

In 1991, the convent building was refurbished to include classrooms, a library, and offices and was dedicated to the then parish priest, Fr Phibbs. In 1995, a more extensive redevelopment of the grounds helped to maximise space. Refurbishment of the school has continued to ensure the provision of a 21st-century contemporary education for all children in our community.

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School Clifton Gardens is inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The community of Blessed Sacrament Catholic School strives to:

Learn by ensuring high-quality teaching and learning through

  • promoting excellence in education through quality teaching
  • inspiring students to become enthusiastic life-long learners
  • nurturing and empowering children to use their talents to contribute positively in a changing world.

Love by celebrating being Catholic through

  • nurturing the religious and spiritual dimension of the school
  • experiencing the beliefs, practices and traditions of the Church
  • respecting and valuing the achievement of each individual
  • fostering a strong sense of belonging and warmth.

Live by making a difference in our world through

  • developing an effective partnership between home, school, parish, and wider community
  • acknowledging the charism of our founders, the Lochinvar Sisters of St Joseph
  • promoting a generosity of spirit to support those in need.

 Quality and holistic pastoral care that responds to and is essential for student well-being through: 

  • Authentic learning experiences equip students with the skills to be effective lifelong learners.
  • Personalised learning is where students are provided with opportunities to exercise choice as they pursue areas of passion and interest.

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School Clifton Gardens is part of the Blessed Sacrament parish. The church is located in Bradleys Head Road, Clifton Gardens. The parish of Blessed Sacrament is part of the Parishes of Sydney Harbour North.

Our parish priest is Fr Phil Linder. Our school celebrates a Family Mass at the 10.00am Mass on the last Sunday of each month.

Parish Priest: Rev Philip Linder PP

Assistant Priest: Rev Kene Onwukwe


  • Tuesday: 8.00am
  • Saturday: 8.00am (Adoration) 8.30am (Anointing Mass on first Saturdays)
  • Saturday: 8.30am (Reconciliation) 
  • Sunday: 7.30am, 10.00am

Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 8.30am–3.00pm
A: 23 Cardinal Street, Mosman
P: (02) 8969 3200
E: secretary@shnparish.org.au
W: shnparish.org.au 

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