Student Leaders

As important members of the school community, students at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School Clifton Gardens are valued for the contributions they can make to the school. Leadership potential is actively encouraged and supported.

Every student in Year 6 has the opportunity to try out for the leadership team, captainancy, vice-captains, house captains, mission captains, environmental captains, education captains and technology captains. Examples of the responsibilities of the Year 6 leadership team are leading the weekly assembly, looking after the audiovisual displays, Mission Day activities, delivering special occasion addresses and votes of thanks.

Kinder and Year 6 buddies

To assist in the transition to school, our Year 6 student leaders are responsible for the Kinder students. Each Kinder student is ‘buddied’ with a Yr 6 student who develops a close relationship with the Kinder student and looks out for them at school.

There are also opportunities each week for the Kinder and Year 6 buddies to work together and nurture the close bond. This assists the Kinder students to develop positive attitudes and experiences to their school life. It is a leadership responsibility for the Year 6 students.